I hope the decision not to open the gates
Wednesday did not inconvenience anyone. Magnolia’s staff was not required to
come to work due to the dangerous condition causing the closing of roadways and
bridges throughout the city. The cemetery is now open to the public. When I arrived at the cemetery this morning the beauty
created by the storm took my breath away. Everything glistened and sparkled
like crystal as if fairy dust had been sprinkled over the entire cemetery. However,
as beautiful as the scene may seem, some element of danger still exist. We ask that
you use extreme caution while navigating the roadways, paths and the bridge within
the cemetery until the ice that is breaking limbs and causing slippery
conditions melts away. It will take us a few days to clean away all the debris
throughout the cemetery.
We have not notice any damage to
monuments or structures caused by this storm. If you notice any damage to your
property that may be attributed to this storm please contact the cemetery